RESDUET+, v2.16 Information 7/94 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is not freeware and if you like it and use it you should send $15(US) to me at the address that follows ($12.50 if you have registered other programs from me). Please add $5.00 for shipping outside the continental U.S. By doing this you will receive the version without the "nag" screens and the most recent version. To order all three programs (ResDuet+, Your File Cabinet and Plain Ol' Button Bar) send $45 (plus $5.00 shipping outside the continental U.S.). Please send your name & address and the $15 to register this program to: Michael Grice 8234 Excelsior Drive Pensacola, Florida 32514 You can now register through CompuServe Software Registration (GO SWREG) ID #2350. Please see REGISTER.TXT to register. Also include any comments, suggestions or ideas and any problems. I can also be reached at CompuServe (72144,1537) and America OnLine at Mike32514 (and occasionally the InterNet at ResDuet+ will be sent on a 3.5" disk unless you specify 5.25". You can now select and delete multiple files in The File Machine. This version has upgraded file utilities (copy, move, rename) that are easier to use and the text box above the middle buttons can now be used as a command line (type in the path and press ENTER key). Also, a new Help file is easier to access in various areas by pressing the F1 key. The button pad that drops down from the right mouse click on the time panel now has a command-line with a browse button. You can also click these buttons with your right mouse button to see the button's file path. I have added sounds to many commands. The sound files must be downloaded separately and are only useful if you have a sound card. The sound file name is RESDU2B.ZIP (or RESDUB in Compuserve). If you have downloaded the RESDUET2.ZIP file before (version 2.01) you should already have these files. These wav files should be placed in the same directory as resduet.exe. RESDU2A.ZIP has all of the main ResDuet+ files. There are no warranties, expressed OR implied. The author is in NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING MENTAL, PHYSICAL, MONETARY, ETC., TO THE USER OR COMPUTER OR PETS OR NEIGHBORS OR SPOUSES. U S E A T Y O U R O W N R I S K ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? To run RESDUET+ you will need the VBRUN300.DLL Visual Basic runtime file (found on most BBS's) in your Windows or Windows/System directory (as long as this is in your path statement). Then add a new program item to one of your groups (File*New*OK, etc.) using the icon with RESDUET+. I don't know if this will run in Windows 3.0 but it should. The files included with RESDUET+ are: 1. resduet.exe resduet2.hlp To be placed in any directory (you may want this in your start-up group also). 2. resduet.txt - this file 3. threed.vbx dfinfo1.vbx cmdialog.vbx commdlg.dll apiguide.dll csform.vbx csinvis.vbx cstext.vbx mlist.vbx qpro200.dll ctl3dv2.dll wshelp.vbx These files need to be placed in your Windows directory (or Windows\System if in your path) if you don't already have them. (Please make sure this is the most recent version). 4. resduet2.ini filmach.dat - will be created in the same directory as the main resduet.exe file. Once you have added your programs to the middle buttons, the icons/pictures will be saved to pic#.bmp files in the directory where resduet.exe is placed (# being a number from 1 to 20) to coincide with the button selected. If you move these picture files, you must make the necessary path changes in the filmach.dat file which will be located in the same directory as the main resduet.exe file. Creating these pic#.bmp files (rather than extracting the icon from the file each time it is loaded) will speed up the loading of the files slightly and lower the memory usage. RESDU2B.ZIP (RESDUB.ZIP)- this contains all the sound files and must be downloaded separately (if you do NOT have ResDuet+ version 2.01). You must have a sound card for this feature to work. If you choose to use sound, you will need to unzip the wav files into the same directory as resduet.exe. You can enable sound with a male or female voice (or disable sound) with the Configure\Sounds menu item. ========================================================================================= RESTART/RESOURCE PANEL: I won't get into very many instructions here because they are included in the program but the important ones are; * To re-position the restart/resource panel, click and drag the "resources" (right) panel with your left mouse button to move ResDuet+. * To read the restart/resource panel instructions, click on the "resources" panel with the right mouse button and select Instructions or click on the Help menu item. * To open The File Machine, click on the "time" panel (left) with the left mouse button. To open only the middle buttons from The File Machine, click on the time panel with your right mouse button. * To check your available memory space and available disk space, click on the "resource" panel with your left mouse button then click on the About menu item. ################################################################################################## THE FILE MACHINE: Most of this is self-explanatory and also includes instructions. The "buttons" in the center of The File Machine open whatever files/programs you add using the "Buttons" button on the bottom left. PLEASE NOTE, WHEN ADDING YOUR PROGRAMS/APPLICATIONS TO THE BUTTONS, YOUR VIDEO COLORS SHOULD BE NO HIGHER THAN 256. ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS, YOU MAY CHANGE TO A HIGHER COLOR (32K, 64K ETC.). The status bar at the bottom of The File Machine will show what the various buttons are that the mouse cursor is above. When it is above one of the middle buttons, it will show the path of the file that is added to that button. For instructions on the various buttons or areas, click your right mouse button over those areas or the left mouse button on the "?" button. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% That's about all for me. Thanks, have fun and please register this program, it's only $15.00. Michael Grice Compuserve: 72144,1537 America Online: mike32514 InterNet: